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  • re: ................

    This just in: It was super obvious you were being sarcastic, Wayne. I was just being reduntant. Plus, I wanted to say "jive turkey". Plus, I wanted to do the "absolute value of sarcasm" thing.

    This also just in: I'm fucking hungry.

    "What a biggity bitch."


    • you should eat that hat
      Originally posted by Lye In Your Eye
      you're pretty narcissistic
      enjoy that, nobody else does.
      Originally posted by Madklikor
      You call me ignorant? LOL...Stop judging right you or you're gonna find me


      • re: ................

        doritos and pepsi...then an ice cream bar afterwards.

        Added after 5 minutes:

        hugh hefner's on tyra banks...not her, but the show. he must not have enough money.


        • i got matroshka in the mail today. i need to buy a frame

          = me
          Originally posted by Lye In Your Eye
          you're pretty narcissistic
          enjoy that, nobody else does.
          Originally posted by Madklikor
          You call me ignorant? LOL...Stop judging right you or you're gonna find me


          • e.t.: That's extremely awesome, man. Congrats .

            I keep telling myself to find a frame for my signed dredg poster, but I keep getting lazy or something. Found a nice $5 one at Wal-Mart that I should just buy already. Evil, evil Wal-Mart.


            • i'm going to buy the prints of the rest of the songs as well, since the print and the original are roughly the same size, and i'm going to make a wall of them. it's gunna be huge....there's so much extra stuff on the sides that wasn't in the pictures they posted on their web site. lots of doodles...and other info / stuff.
              Originally posted by Lye In Your Eye
              you're pretty narcissistic
              enjoy that, nobody else does.
              Originally posted by Madklikor
              You call me ignorant? LOL...Stop judging right you or you're gonna find me


              • yeah, i remember that extra border/doodling/writing/etc. from the "Matroshka" picture someone found and posted during the treasure hunt. I thought about that whole "buying all the prints and putting 'em together" thing, too, but I lack the funds to do that. but when I get a cash flow going, i'll probably invest in that.

                in other news, the new System of a Down CD is splendid.

                Am I just hearing things or does he sing "banana, banana, banana" in "Vicinity of Obscenity"?

                'Cause if he does, I should just send them my "Rocks Are My Friends" song and tell 'em to do it up.


                • I found something funny online today....


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                  • Wayne, man, stop selling ass for heroin.


                    • but, he's gotta eat too
                      Originally posted by Lye In Your Eye
                      you're pretty narcissistic
                      enjoy that, nobody else does.
                      Originally posted by Madklikor
                      You call me ignorant? LOL...Stop judging right you or you're gonna find me


                      • (hums)

                        Added after 17 minutes:

                        so very bored.

                        listening to sad music is nice.

                        How was that only 17 minutes? fuckin' time warp . . .

                        Added after 1 hours 33 minutes:

                        man, these vent filters are great.


                        • i just won a psp in a campus contest to see who could make the fastest lap in gran turismo 4. in the new years theyre shipping me to toronto to play against other winners from various univerisities in ontario. if i win that, i get my tuition paid... sweet.


                          • wow, good luck kyle
                            Originally posted by Lye In Your Eye
                            you're pretty narcissistic
                            enjoy that, nobody else does.
                            Originally posted by Madklikor
                            You call me ignorant? LOL...Stop judging right you or you're gonna find me


                            • Did you guys watch that "Rocks" thing? It's quite interesting.

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                              • I've been playing a lot of board games this week... man I'm a geek...

