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dredg - VISIONS mag scans [2002 & 2005]

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  • #16
    re: dredg - VISIONS mag scans [2002 & 2005]

    The cover is awesome... but anybody can take pictuers like the article photos. It looks like they were taken with a regular camera.



    • #17
      pink floyd is overrated? hm i thought they defined a genre but i guess thats just me.
      consuming knowledge


      • #18
        re: dredg - VISIONS mag scans [2002 & 2005]

        The legendary bands that I strongly feel are overrated would have to be:

        The Beatles
        The Rolling Stones

        ...the rest (Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, etc.) deserve it.


        • #19
          Eh, I've just never found them that impressive. I think a lot of people like them just because it's something everyone feels they have to like. Just like a lot of stuff. I love Led Zeppelin and Nirvana... but I feel like they're severly overrated because there wasn't that much talent there, it was just good timing and good song structure. It was definitely something needed in the musical universe... Pink Floyd, even if I'm not that big of a fan, will always have my respect. They did a lot of good for music...

          My personal definition for overrated is when a band is so huge and so iconic that it's no longer a choice on whether or not most people like them, it's something that people are afraid to actually have an opinon on. I like some stuff from Pink Floyd, but to be honest, they bore me.

          Originally posted by absentstars
          pink floyd is overrated? hm i thought they defined a genre but i guess thats just me.
          What genre? No, I'm not trying to be a jerk, it's a serious inquiry. Cause if I'm not mistaken, they're prog rock, and prog rock was in existence for some time before them. They may have brought it into the forefront, but they didn't define prog rock. That's like saying Elvis defined blues.


          • #20
            re: dredg - VISIONS mag scans [2002 & 2005]

            Pink Floyd is half psychedlic/half classic rock....


            • #21
              this was just one website's opinion of progressive rock and where is started. to be honest this is all relative. to say elvis defined the blues is ignorant. he was just the white guy that ripped it off. i guess what i really wanted to say is when you say something is overrated its kinda the same thing as saying alot of people like them. and when i said pink floyd defined a genre, i mean i think they are the most well known earliest prog/psychedlic rock band most people know. and if i had to list my most overrated band it would definately be nirvana.
              consuming knowledge


              • #22
                Aw Dino's shirt makes me sad. I'd think that as a fellow musician, he would enjoy them,


                • #23
                  I think that shirt is a joke though because I've personally heard him say they're one of his influences, so i doubt he's being serious with that.


                  • #24
                    Re: re: dredg - VISIONS mag scans [2002 & 2005]

                    Originally posted by marijuana
                    thanks for the links... any chance anyone could translate all this?

                    or maybe i should just learn german.
                    i would translate them, but the words are cut off at the ends, so i would need better scans, and i could do it.

                    just got back from germany the other day with visions magazine (with stone by stone), and my copy of CWoA, with uplifting news!

                    you know you're jealous, it's OK.


                    • #25
                      Yeah, I'm jealous. Jealous like a fox.


                      • #26
                        Re: re: dredg - VISIONS mag scans [2002 & 2005]

                        Originally posted by zah
                        Yeah, I'm jealous. Jealous like a fox.


                        • #27
                          Dino loves Pink Floyd.


                          • #28
                            Re: re: dredg - VISIONS mag scans [2002 & 2005]

                            Originally posted by Gnomad
                            Pink Floyd are a bity overrated...
                            Lies, all lies. But that's your opinion, so I won't debate it with you.

                            And Drew looks like a fucking alien or something on the cover. I was look at it going, "Okay...there's Gavin, Dino, Mark...and who the hell is that guy?" Keep the beard Drew. Keep the beard.
                            Originally posted by Gnomad
                            How many dredg fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

                            Seven. One to change it, five to complain that the old one was better, and one talk about Gavins weight.


                            • #29
                              haha yeah he looks really weird there. I remember seeing the thumbnail of the cover in the website and i couldn't make out who that guy was up until i got the issue.


                              • #30
                                Hee hee. I don't mean to be such a girl, but Drew's adorable. The way he looks on the 2005 cover has got to be one of the funniest things ever.

                                Thanks again for scanning these, my fellow droog.

