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Strawberries Acoustic 11/11

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  • Strawberries Acoustic 11/11

    Hey, just thought I'd let everyone know that the Acoustic session at Strawberries in Fairhaven on Friday the 11th was incredible!

    Stupid me, I got there about an hour and a half early thinking I was smart. But there ended up being a very small crowd, which was cool.

    I got to meet most of Dredg, and get the autographs, and I talked with them for a few minutes, and it was unbelievable! I had a great time!

    Special thanks to E.T. who managed to get hold of two tickets for the Palladium show for me! And, thanks for inviting me to Uno's.

    The show was great, and, although I had to push a group of fifteen people off of me at one point (which was pretty funny cause I'm kinda small), I had an awesome time!

    If there was no consequence, I could answer all the questions of the world.

  • #2
    Hey, man. Thanks for the little review. Glad you had a great time. Awesome that you got to the Palladium show, too. Right on.


    • #3
      did they play the usual three songs?
      We'll fuck standing and we'll fuck then lying, if they had wings we'll fuck them flying, when they are dead and long forgotten we'll dig them up and fuck them rotten.
      Originally posted by auto-de-fe
      happy birthday, you bastard of bastards.


      • #4
        They played Bug Eyes, Catch Without Arms, and Sang Real.
        If there was no consequence, I could answer all the questions of the world.


        • #5
          i said this in another post, but i'll be posting audio (and maybe video at some point) of the set

          Added after 1 minutes:

          also, i saw at least one other person video taping there, so if you taped & want to share footage, let me know
          Originally posted by Lye In Your Eye
          you're pretty narcissistic
          enjoy that, nobody else does.
          Originally posted by Madklikor
          You call me ignorant? LOL...Stop judging right you or you're gonna find me


          • #6
            great set...i drove 4 hours from Jersey to see Dredg i didn't regret one minute of the drive...other then my first battery on my camera dying halfway thru bug eyes and forgetting to bring my cd or poster for them to sign, just getting up close and personal with the band was very cool.

            i have seen dredg in all types of venues, but this was def the most intimate.

            Usally after sets it's hard to track down gavin, so i'm glad i got to chat a few seconds with him.

            see you guys at the nokia theatre on Wed, feel free to go over the 30 minute time frame if you please.
            many friends yet still a loner

