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Foxtown City Limits Pittsburg, KS, United States

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  • Foxtown City Limits Pittsburg, KS, United States

    Set: Symbol Song/Movement I, Same ol' Road, Sanzen, Penguins in the Desert, Movement IV, 18 People, New Heart Shadow, Triangle, Of the Room, Sorry but it's Over, Convalescent, Running through the Propellers, It only took a Day, Scissor Lock, Yatahaze, The Canyon Behind Her, Movement V

    Notes: Played with Strata, Woven, Codeseven, dredg headlining.
    - Jon

    Originally posted by gderd
    dredg is the music I always searched for, the music that keeps in your mind the whole time, the music you remember when you're doing everything, it's the different music. the heart music