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dredg @ the Metro in Chicago video

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  • dredg @ the Metro in Chicago video

    As promised:

    I even got a new domain for the occasion. I thought it would be better to start a new topic, as the other one had gotten a little stale. I only have Ode to the Sun up now, but I should be able to add another every day or so if you are still interested. I even included an mp3.


  • #2
    I can't get it to work. When I click on either mpg or mp3, a new window comes up and then closes immediately.


    • #3
      i always have to complicate things with flash. it should also open up your media player, but I just posted two hard links at the bottom of the page that you can right click/save as. let me know if that doesn't work.

      Added after 3 minutes:

      it didn't work for a second, but now it does.


      • #4
        re: dredg @ the Metro in Chicago video

        Tremendous video dude, please post more I would definately be interested.


        • #5
          hey thanks a lot i don't feel as bad for missing the show.

          looking forward to more...


          • #6
            re: dredg @ the Metro in Chicago video

            I'm glad you liked it. I'll just roll through the setlist then. A couple are a little blurry as I was having slight problems with the focus, but for the most part, it only gets better.


            • #7
              Great vid, thanks!


              • #8
                Really nice cid, because also the sound quality is really great so thank you


                • #9
                  jef: Thanks a bunch for sharing this. Looks and sounds pretty decent. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Also, loved the web page setup you did. Very nice. Thanks again.


                  • #10
                    re: dredg @ the Metro in Chicago video

                    hot off the presses:

                    same ol' road video/mp3


                    • #11
                      Thanks a lot! Very nice videos
                      Il picolait raide, le babouin!!


                      • #12
                        Same thing is happening to me, the window for same ol road opens then closes, and the window for Ode opens but gives me a "this page cant be displayed" thingy. Wheres those links you said were at the bottom?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Leitmotif612
                          Same thing is happening to me, the window for same ol road opens then closes, and the window for Ode opens but gives me a "this page cant be displayed" thingy. Wheres those links you said were at the bottom?
                          it works great for me in Firefox. I see what you're saying though when I used internet explorer


                          • #14
                            Ok, Ive got same ol road to work by changing the url to /roadmov manually, but Ode is still giving me a page cant be displayed.


                            • #15
                              Doesn't work for me in IE but works in Firefox.

