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I'll try this again...

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  • I'll try this again...

    My initial introduction message disappeared, so I thought that I would re-introduce myself. I'm from central New Jersey and have been listening to dredg for about 2 years now (thanks to my older brother for telling me about this amazing band). I really enjoy coming to these forums because not only do I get the most up-to-date dredg info, but everyone seems to be really nice...which can be a rarity on messageboards.
    "I use music as some kind of weird salvation to get away from life." - Billy Corgan

  • #2

    glad you found your way to the site and board...and to the music of dredg....

    for the most part people here are pretty times, like it is in the real world, outside ofthe internet, we bicker and argue, but it's usually all in the name of understanding or discussing dredg....

    welcome again, and hope to see many posts from you in the future...
    - Jon

    Originally posted by gderd
    dredg is the music I always searched for, the music that keeps in your mind the whole time, the music you remember when you're doing everything, it's the different music. the heart music


    • #3
      re: I'll try this again...

      Now come on Jon, you know that we all love each other here. It is like any other relationship. We argue, but in the end what would we do without each other


      By the way, welcome to the board medellia77

