

Software Upgrade

I upgraded the software to ensure it works with PHP 8+ and save me a few bucks each month. If you encounter any issues, please email me.
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  • howdeh

    Hey fellow dredgers

    Been into dredg for a few years now - going to see em live for the first time on June 13th in Seattle (8 hours South of me).

    Got my hands on Catch Without Arms about 3 weeks ago, and I truly can't find the words to describe how much I love this album.

    A few other bands I'm really into are: Powderfinger, Deftones, Tool, Radiohead, The Watchmen, Green Day, Doctor, Thornley, Big Wreck, Quicksand, Posies, HUM, Sparta, Isis, Year Of The Rabbit, Toadies, Pearl Jam, Zuckerbaby, I Mother Earth, Snot, NIN, Blue Album / Pinkerton-era weezer, Blind Melon, Faith No More, Sugar, Failure...

    Pretty much anything that isn't fodder for the masses and makes me FEEL something.

    Here's a pic of my ugly mug:

    Anyhoo, enough about me.

    More info at

    Let the cyber-games beginneth...

    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

  • #2
    Re: howdeh

    I challenge you to a duuuel!

    *brandishes stick-o-celery*

    <img src= ALT=":smokin">


