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Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

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  • Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

    As we all know the music we listen to is not stagnant but rather a fluid function of our ever-changing tastes. So what bands/songs influenced the music you listen to most?

    I'm 19 now, if that helps but the years in perspective.

    "End of the World" by Cold - ~2003
    Cold isn't too proficient, however this song opened the door to the softer, more emotional side of music for me. Prior to this I listened to absolutely terrible hard rock/nu-metal.

    "3 Libras" by A Perfect Circle - ~late 2005
    Opened the door for my more progressive music tastes. Before this I was pretty much a nu-metal/generic rock radio type of kid. Heightened my appreciation for slower songs that required more of an attention span to listen to. The closing croon of "You dont, You dont, You dont see me" is tear-inducing.

    A Perfect Circle - ~late 2005
    APC is the band that completely changed everything. Probably my first favorite band to not suck. I loved the way they used vocal melody and atmosphere to stir emotion. I heard of them in the years prior, but never had the mindset to listen to them and appreciate their music.

    "Any Hopeful Thoughts Arrive" by Hood - July 2006
    By now I was starting to broaden my horizons but was still strapped into traditional rock stylings. I heard this song on XM's indie station one rainy day over summer break in 2006 and loved it instantly. This song really opened me to electronic/experimental rock. This experience was integral in my (much) later discovery of artists such as M83.

    "Cote" by Karnivool - November 2006
    By now I was starting to scour and myspace for good bands. Karnivool, as well as Cog, were two good aussie bands I found. I instantly fell in love with "Cote". Absolutely killed this on itunes/ipod, accruing something along the lines of 150 plays in two months. Built upon the art rock foundation that A Perfect Circle started, and taught me that you can really find good underground music if you search enough. Still though, even after APC and the 'Vool, I still listed Stone Sour and Korn among favorite bands.

    "Sempahore" by Jakob - December 2006
    If you guys want a good post rock band/song, check this out. Jakob is a New Zealand-based post rock band that opened me up to music without vocals. I found their myspace via Karnivool's and was initially turned off by the lack of words, however post rock is one of my most played genres today and I consider "Semaphore" a top 10-15 song of all-time.

    dredg - February 2007
    After APC, dredg was the next big step in my progression. I remember previewing Bug Eyes randomly on itunes once and liking it a lot. I bought a couple songs off Catch Without Arms and El Cielo. "Whoa Is Me", "Same Ol Road", "Bug Eyes", and "Ode to the Sun" was my first dredg exposure. I was hooked. Quickly, and not surprisingly, my dredg discovery was followed by bands such as Codeseven, Kaddisfly, Rishloo, The Mayan Factor, Strata, and others. These progressive/art/melodic rock bands were the stepping stone to what my taste is today.

    Clann Zu - ~Spring 2007
    The Irish band from Australia is still one of the most original bands I've ever heard. And that's precisely what this band taught me to appreciate: originality. Varied instrumentation, obtuse song structures, dramatic vocal crescendos. Clann Zu had it all. Unfortunately they've been broken up for almost four years, however their music ingenuity will never cease to exist.

    "Slice Paper Wrists" by Poison the Well - July 2007
    I always liked hard rock when I was younger, but what I thought was hard were bands like Disturbed and Stereomud. The breakdown in this song completely changed my perspective on screaming/hardcore music, which I had previously detested. Poison the Well is now one of my top five favorite bands and lead me to acts such as Botch and Dance Gavin Dance.

    So what's your story?
    Last edited by Feed Me A Stray Cat; June 13, 2009, 01:01 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

    At The Drive-In
    Modest Mouse

    In no particular order.
    DeviantArt Facebook


    • #3
      Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

      I always had some interest in melodic rock bands like Cold, APC, Incubus, etc etc and through those I found an interest in progressive rock and dredg as a result. Common and Mos Def's albums plus Lupe Fiasco's mixtape stuff got me into hip hop.

      The two albums that influenced my music taste most are probably Through The Eyes by Flaw and Dancing Echoes Dead Sounds by Codeseven.


      • #4
        Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

        the albums that have influenced my taste most are as follows

        dredg - El Cielo
        Pink Floyd - Animals
        Codeseven - Dancing Echoes/Dead Sounds
        Mew - And The Glass Handed Kites
        Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase

        Originally posted by Knifeboy
        seeing how i'm a pompous asshole, AND a rapist.. Do you really have to ask?


        • #5
          Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

          I'm not exactly sure that any band has influenced my tastes to any great extent.. I will, and have always been willing to, listen to pretty much anything*

          * As in genres, not bands!


          • #6
            Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

            Originally posted by SomeHomelessGuy View Post
            The two albums that influenced my music taste most are probably Through The Eyes by Flaw and Dancing Echoes Dead Sounds by Codeseven.
            Guess What, You Suck!

            I love that lyric.


            • #7
              Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

              I can basically give you bands that I constantly go through phases with, since I find influence in almost everything I listen to...that would be a damn long list.

              Definitely in no order:
              Pink Floyd
              Nine Inch Nails
              Minus The Bear
              Modest Mouse
              This Is Me Smiling
              The Mars Volta
              A Perfect Circle

              I'm sure you guys can have something bad to say about a lot of my music, like Phish for example, but my music tastes are diverse to say the least, and I find appreciation in talent more than just any specific genre.

              FacebookTwitterdredg page


              • #8
                Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

                I haven't read this thread yet, though I will. And I'm wasted, so don't trust anything. But here goes.

                The Beatles
                Pink Floyd
                Mamas and Pappas
                Nine Inch Nails


                • #9
                  Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

                  Alien Ant Farm - ANThology
                  dredg - Leitmotif
                  Alkaline Trio - From Here To Infirmary
                  Thursday - Full Collapse
                  Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends
                  Brand New - Deja Entendu
                  Say Anything - ...Is A Real Boy
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                  Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
                  Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


                  • #10
                    Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

                    Like anybody else in this world, I was raised on my parents music first. For me that was basically classic rock. Zeppelin, Skynard, Sabbath, Aerosmith, SRV, Queen, so on and so forth...

                    I still to this day LOVE my classic rock roots and will rock Dream On, Communication Breakdown or War Pigs on full blast in my car if they come on the radio... Promise...

                    The first album that made me recognize music on my own and say holy shit this is awesome was S.C.I.E.N.C.E. by Incubus. That album\band ruled my world for A LONG time. I fell in love with Incubus and became a part of the Incubus Online Message Board and it's from there that I found out about dredg.

                    I would always read the main "Incubus" section and the Non-Incubus music section. I remember seeing this dredg thread popping up a lot around the late Leitmotif\early El Cielo days and I couldn't help but check this band out. I was going to college in a small town in Missouri, (around 2003, where the only Internet I could get was dial up) and I would download dredg concerts while I was in school and would watch them when I got back.

                    Sorry to get side tracked but just wanted to give everybody an idea where my influential list comes from... In no influential order...

                    Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E. (introduced me to "new" music)
                    Incubus - Make Yourself (also introduced me to "new music)
                    Incubus - Morning View (first band that I followed where I HIGHLY anticipated their next release and their new direction followed my musical direction in less chaotic music taste.)
                    dredg - El Cielo (Upon first listen up to the last song I thought they were very solid. I remember listening to the end of the album and hearing the choir take the last breath in and thinking "WOW!!!" and feeling breathless...)
                    At the Drive-In - Relationship of Command
                    The Mars Volta - All
                    Tool - All
                    APC - All
                    Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
                    Queen - Night of the Opera
                    Led Zeppelin - IV
                    Originally posted by Ars Sycro
                    I have a type. I like hot bitches.


                    • #11
                      Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

                      No particular order except Pink Floyd and The Moody Blues when I was young. Teenage = Soundgarden and NIN really got me into rock.

                      Pink Floyd
                      Rage Against The Machine
                      The Moody Blues
                      The Dear Hunter
                      Clann Zu and Declan solo work
                      Type O Negative
                      Murder By Death
                      Bob Marley
                      A Whisper in the Noise
                      Frank Zappa
                      Nine Inch Nails
                      The Mars Volta
                      We'll fuck standing and we'll fuck then lying, if they had wings we'll fuck them flying, when they are dead and long forgotten we'll dig them up and fuck them rotten.
                      Originally posted by auto-de-fe
                      happy birthday, you bastard of bastards.


                      • #12
                        Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

                        This goes by year I bought these albums.

                        Follow the Leader - Korn - 1998
                        I think I was like 14 when this album came out. First CD I ever owned and it took a lot of convincing from me until my parents let me have it (was kind of a sheltered kid until high school). I loved that CD so much and I got all of their other stuff as soon as I could. Sounds silly, but I actually identified with Jon Davis a lot, or at least thought I did. Who knows? I was a kid, I didn't know anything.
                        Other albums I purchased that year: Orgy - Candyass, Metallica - Reload, Spawn: The Album

                        Dysfunction - Staind - 1999

                        So when I had enough of Korn, I needed another angsty role model, and Aaron Lewis was perfect. I followed Staind all the way up until their fourth album and then it finally sunk in how repetitive it was. Still, I really was in love with this album.
                        Other albums I purchased that year: Incubus - Make Yourself, Slipknot - s/t, Silverchair - Neon Ballroom

                        Greyest of Blue Skies - Finger Eleven - 2000

                        These guys were one of the bands that actually helped pull me out of that angsty phase. I had gone through a pretty shitty relationship when I discovered this album, so while I know a lot of people hate this band, this album means a lot to me. So this was their "dark" phase where I'm pretty sure the label told them they had to start moving with the trend, which is something this band has always done, but later on down the road when they released their third album, it wasn't anything like the CD I fell in love with. It was more lighthearted and poppy, but I still liked it so I credit their album after this one as one of the albums that got me to move away from the "pre-emo nu-metal" stuff.
                        Other albums I purchased that year: Mudvayne - LD 50, Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory, Cold - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage

                        Mer de Noms - A Perfect Circle - 2001
                        The second I heard Judith, I had to have this CD and it really blew me away. I still vividly remember coming home and listening to this CD and being in awe. I still consider it one of the best albums I've ever heard. But this was my gateway into Tool. I had heard Sober once and thought it was alright, but I never really paid much attention to it. Bought Aenima soon after this and again was just floored.
                        Other albums I purchased that year: Tool - Lateralus, System of a Down - Toxicity, Rage Against the Machine - The Battle of Los Angeles

                        The Fragile - Nine Inch Nails/White Pony - Deftones - 2002
                        I know that since I was really into Korn I really should have discovered the Deftones a lot sooner. However, I'm kind of contradictory sometimes. My brother and ex-girlfriend were all about this the Deftones, so I kind of railed against them until I got into Tool and heard that Maynard was on White Pony. That album has so many great moments and it can be haunting as fuck sometimes. White Pony was in my CD player for a full 3 months I think and then I found the Fragile in a bargain bin. I thought "Two CD's for $8? Sold." And then the Fragile didn't leave my CD player for 5 months. Except to change sides.
                        Other albums I purchased that year: Deftones - Around the Fur, Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral, Staind - Break the Cycle

                        Leitmotif & El Cielo - dredg/Oceanic - ISIS - 2003/2004
                        So this was the year that my music collection and taste kind of exploded. A friend introduced me to dredg and we all know what happened there. Another friend told me that Oceanic was the best thing they'd ever heard and I needed to buy it. So, that year, I kind of dropped the whole angst thing and expanded beyond it. Mainly towards metal music, but I still listened to other things, much to the chagrin of some of my friends that were all about the metal lifestyle, whatever that is. But yeah... the rest is history. The evolution of my musical taste. I think I joined this board in 2004, I'm not sure, but I expect a few of you know the rest or at the very least you get the gist of it.
                        Other albums I purchased that year: Finger Eleven - s/t, Deftones - s/t, A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step, Machine Head -Through the Ashes of Empires, Fear Factory - Obsolete, Opeth - Deliverance


                        • #13
                          Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

                          You list a few of my favorite albums of all time right there...FF-Obsolete, All Deftones, All APC, and hell yes with Finger Eleven. I got a promo copy of their self-titled with the bonus DVD and was hooked from there.

                          Excellent post, as usual!

                          FacebookTwitterdredg page


                          • #14
                            Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

                            ^ Yeah I enjoyed reading that. One thing that really stuck out was that APC got you into Tool. Its always the other way around (obviously).

                            I have too many bands/records to name but a good chunk of my record collection was and still is "nu-metal". Why this genre gets such a bad name is beyond me. There was a lot of good shit out there in the late 90's. Korn was obviously the one band that opened the door - I bought their first record a few months before Life is Peachy came out. But I think the one CD that really opened the door for me was the Family Values Sampler CD that came with Follow the Leader if you bought it early. It had like 20 bands on there who were virtually unknown at the time but about half of them got really popular in the next couple years or so. I think there's only 1 or 2 bands on that CD that I still don't like today. But once I heard dredg in 2001, my standards were raised big time. I know they're not nu-metal but they did get lumped into that genre at first. The genre that dredg gets lumped into these days? Pfff. I think there might be 3 bands tops that I like.

                            I was into metal long before Korn though. I think the first metal song I truly fell in love with was Metallica's 'Sad But True' when I saw it on Headbangers Ball at my brother's friend's house. I think I was like 10 at the time. Before this, Def Leppard was by far my favorite band. I thought the Black Album was fucking awesome but after diving into Lightning, Puppets and Justice all around the same time? I was basically in heaven. Shortly after, I got into Pantera's Vulgar Display of Power and hence, the branching began.

                            90's Alternative Rock is another genre that takes up a lot of my collection. Lots of good shit. Popular rock music just isn't the same these days.


                            • #15
                              Re: Most influential bands/songs on your music taste?

                              The Beatles (mainly the early stuff I recall)
                              Huey Lewis and the News
                              Michael Jackson
                              Duran Duran
                              Led Zeppelin
                              Pink Floyd
                              The Police
                              Dream Theater
                              Fates Warning
                              King's X
                              The Galactic Cowboys
                              Angra - Holy Land esp.
                              Savatage - Handful of Rain esp.
                              Soundscape - Discovery
                              Shadow Gallery
                              Pain of Salvation - (The Perfect Element esp)
                              Porcupine Tree
                              King Crimson
                              The Mars Volta
                              John Arch
                              The Beatles (revisiting..Transatlantic helped..esp when they did the Abbey Road suite live).
                              Kevin Gilbert/Toy Matinee
                              Jethro Tull
                              Pat Metheny - First Circle especially
                              Return to Forever
                              Jerry Goodman and Jan Hammer - Like Children
                              Jeff Buckley
                              Coheed and Cambria - mainly Good Apollo 1
                              Pure Reason Revolution
                              The Receiving End of Sirens
                              Mute Math (live)
                              Bend Sinister
                              Between the Buried and Me
                              The Dear Hunter
                              Fair to Midland (live even moreso than the studio)
                              In Vain
                              Imogen Heap
                              Apes and Androids
                              maudlin of the Well
                              Protest the Hero
                              Annuals (mainly live)
                              Long Distance Calling
                              Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness
                              Last edited by SoundscapeMN; June 15, 2009, 07:12 AM.


