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  • Re: ................

    Wait..... blue man fragrance oil? Like "Blue Man" fragrance oil or blue "man fragrance" oil?
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    Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
    Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


    • Re: ................

      I think I just blue myself.

      Blue Man Fragrance Oil.
      Originally posted by Knifeboy
      I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

      but pops gotta get his viagra


      • Re: ................

        That's less interesting.
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        Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
        Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


        • Re: ................

          Whatever. With the impending fall of capitalism/rise of the zombies just around the corner, you will be mad jealous that I smell good and you do not.
          Originally posted by Knifeboy
          I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

          but pops gotta get his viagra


          • Re: ................

            I'm just saying it'd be cooler to smell like a Blue Man.
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            Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
            Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


            • Re: ................

              Man, my research might have hit a dead end.
              Originally posted by Knifeboy
              I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

              but pops gotta get his viagra


              • Re: ................

                That sucks. What happened?
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                Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
                Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


                • Re: ................

                  The topic of racism is a touchy one. Most people do not want to deal with it, especially when it is a part of their history. So, I was reading an old dissertation on a part of the group, and it confirmed my worst suspension: that the church's archivists will not let anyone look at the old racist publications.

                  Here is an example of a drawing that was rather well circulated in the various publications:
                  Originally posted by Knifeboy
                  I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

                  but pops gotta get his viagra


                  • Re: ................

                    Originally posted by And we'll just put a happy little bush over here. View Post
                    So, I was reading an old dissertation on a part of the group, and it confirmed my worst suspension: that the church's archivists will not let anyone look at the old racist publications.
                    Hmmmm....might that be a research topic in and of itself?


                    • Re: ................

                      Yeah, no joke. No wonder Derrida wrote a whole book on archives.
                      Originally posted by Knifeboy
                      I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

                      but pops gotta get his viagra


                      • Re: ................

                        A few months ago, I randomly found out that I joined this board the same day Nirvana's Nevermind was released 20 years ago. Random and pointless, I know...

                        Seriously, coincidence. Just like it's a total coincidence that Kurt Cobain killed himself on my birthday. Just like it's a total coincidence that my favorite band besides dredg is called The Birthday Massacre. Just like it's a total coincidence that my favorite song by them is called 'Nevermind'. Just like it's a total coincidence that the song is Track 13 on it's respective album and my favorite number just happens to be 13. Just like it's a total coincidence that the album is called Violet, which just so happens to be the name of a popular Hole song, who just happened to be fronted by the bitch who was married to Kurt Cobain. Yup...all of it's just coincidence.

                        PS: Oh and hey...just for good measure...Layne Staley also died on my birthday. I need a drink.


                        • Re: ................

                          I wouldn't say most of that is coincidental, since there actually has to be some kind of relation. Like your second favorite band being the Birthday Massacre and Kurt Cobain killing himself on your birthday? There's no coinciding relationship there. Since we know your favorite band is dredg, saying second favorite would be the same as saying, "Oh, my 51st favorite band has a name that vaguely describes an event that happened on my birthday, except the name doesn't really describe what happened in the event at all. Total coincidence."


                          • Re: ................

                            What are you talking about? One of my favorite bands is Brand New, and I get a brand new gift every year on my birthday.
                            Total coincidence.
                            Also, I love the band Thursday, and at least every 11 years, my birthday is on a Thursday.
                            Twitter | Facebook | Rate Your Music

                            Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
                            Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


                            • Re: ................



                              • Re: ................

                                Originally posted by Ars Sycro View Post
                                What are you talking about? One of my favorite bands is Brand New, and I get a brand new gift every year on my birthday.
                                Total coincidence.
                                Also, I love the band Thursday, and at least every 11 years, my birthday is on a Thursday.
                                Mind = blown.
                                Originally posted by Knifeboy
                                I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

                                but pops gotta get his viagra

