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  • #46
    whoa . . . good idea! any particular genre in mind, or anything goes?
    Originally posted by kata rokkar


    • #47
      i'd like to work with somone, or 2 or 3 put together an acoustic rock track...

      maybe, another guitarist, a bassist, and a drummer.....

      if you are any of the above 3, and are interested in attempting this, let me know....
      - Jon

      Originally posted by gderd
      dredg is the music I always searched for, the music that keeps in your mind the whole time, the music you remember when you're doing everything, it's the different music. the heart music


      • #48
        Yeah, I would LOVE to do that with you. I play guitar and I have a few tracks that are extremely naked and are dying for some help. Actually I have one on my myspace which I titled "Ocean Life" if you want to check it out...

        Circadia (PKtheDJ)'s profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
        Originally posted by Ars Sycro
        I have a type. I like hot bitches.


        • #49
          i'll be your drummer . . . if you don't mind me creating electronic beats . . . my drums still live 1000 miles away . . . i should be able to give you an electronc beat that sounds acoustic though . . .
          Originally posted by kata rokkar


          • #50
            re: Share Your Myspace Page

            i'd love to work with the two of you....maybe a bassist will join us....any willing bassists here? with recording abilities to boot!?

            i'm away right now....but once i get home, i'll msg you both and we can discuss aim is : jfarzalo

            i'm hoping to put together an ambient, acoustic, poprock type song...and i love the sound of that 'ocean' titled track from above....very fitting into what i'm hoping to do....

            as for the drums, how do u record the electronic beats, and how much "flare" can you add, can you use the brushes, etc etc....never done much with those type of drums, aside from standard beats that is.
            - Jon

            Originally posted by gderd
            dredg is the music I always searched for, the music that keeps in your mind the whole time, the music you remember when you're doing everything, it's the different music. the heart music


            • #51
              well, i'll be doing it all through computer programs rather than "live" drumming, as i do not have the equipment available at present, but i'll strive to make it sound as natural as possible. all of the "flare" will be comprised from different samples, or settings . . . i won't just download some loops and string them together!!! i'll put together some short examples if you like so you can get an idea of how it will sound. my aim is jsbedlam . . . email: euclid @
              looking forward to this! should be interesting!!
              Originally posted by kata rokkar


              • #52
                I play drums and guitar as if you maybe want another guitar in there...I'm up for it. And as far as drums, I have an electronic kit that sounds pretty real for the most part.

                Let me know.

                If you want to hear something of mine...

                FacebookTwitterdredg page


                • #53
                  what's the status with the collaboration? i'll be out of town friday-monday, but i'll be ready to contribute afterwards!
                  Originally posted by kata rokkar


                  • #54
                    re: Share Your Myspace Page

                    Discover, share and connect with culture, creativity, sound, images and people.


                    • #55
                      re: Share Your Myspace Page

                      Discover, share and connect with culture, creativity, sound, images and people.


                      • #56
                        The Infinite Machine (2005-2007)'s profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
               - melodic progressive rock


                        • #57
                          Discover, share and connect with culture, creativity, sound, images and people.
                          "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other." ~Lucian de Crescenzo


                          • #58
                   visit, enjoy, message...all that fun stuff
                            Originally posted by Lye In Your Eye
                            you're pretty narcissistic
                            enjoy that, nobody else does.
                            Originally posted by Madklikor
                            You call me ignorant? LOL...Stop judging right you or you're gonna find me


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by kata rokkar


                              • #60
                                Yeah, I've tried talking to Jon on AIM but I can never seem to get him when he's on...

                       AIM is Rockter421 if you would like to talk...
                                Originally posted by Ars Sycro
                                I have a type. I like hot bitches.

