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Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

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  • Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

    Well, the guy meant the best, but it sounds dumb:

    "Hey, I don't know if you guys were being heckled or what prompted Gavin to tell folks that they could leave if they didn't want to listen, but whatever happened PLEASE don't take that as a symbol of Florida's appreciation. My friends and I have been to all of your shows and we love your music, thank you so much and please don't stop coming here we need you! So, what the hell did happen that night anyway? I didn't hear anything...

    ps. We're the ones who always tell you guys how awesome you are and say 'THANKYOU! We love you!' Loudly in between songs. Cheers!"

    The guy thought he was a part of a group of people that shouted and promoted the name: Dredg so loudly and vividly, that he was a part of something special. I wonder what a guy like that would think if he knew enough 'bout the way Dredg has responded to their recent promotion -- which they could've handled much better and with VERY much more precision, delicacy and professionalism.

    And before you waste time criticizing my judgments, I would like it if you considered theirs. They've been whining about more exposure for how long? And most of you give them a pat on the back when they fail and begin questioning why they're still not any further along. In the end, I guess it's good that you aren't where they are.... because you can't even control the tugging on the curtains behind the whole show. Ah well though.... whatever.
    Last edited by Ooga; October 2, 2009, 07:06 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

    The dumbest thing I've heard? I've heard so many stupid things, but here are two that stick out at the moment:

    Mel: "July has five words in it!"
    Matt: "No it doesn't you dumb bitch! Larry, how many 'words' does July have?"
    Larry: "FOUR!"
    What made it more funny was that Larry was in 'special ed', so this could be hilarious or just wrong. Or both. Or neither.

    Mel: "If you two were stranded on an island and he got poisoned, would you suck the dick?"

    EDIT: Because I forgot quotes, yes, I'm anal-retentive like that.
    Last edited by tapirdrummer; September 21, 2009, 07:33 AM.
    Originally posted by Ars Sycro
    I want to walk around half-naked and in sequins and dressed like, I don't know, a pirate, maybe, proclaiming my heterosexuality.


    • #3
      Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

      What the hell are you talking about?
      I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
      I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
      A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
      To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


      • #4
        Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

        We're talking about the dumbest things we've heard. Although this thread probably doesn't belong here in the dredg section.
        Originally posted by Ars Sycro
        I want to walk around half-naked and in sequins and dressed like, I don't know, a pirate, maybe, proclaiming my heterosexuality.


        • #5
          Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

          Originally posted by tapirdrummer View Post
          We're talking about the dumbest things we've heard. Although this thread probably doesn't belong here in the dredg section.
          Your post made sense, the original post...not so much.
          I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
          I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
          A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
          To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


          • #6
            Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

            Originally posted by AnewKINDofFEELING View Post
            Your post made sense, the original post...not so much.
            It most certainly did make sense.

            Of course, I overreacted a bit, but ah well.


            • #7
              Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

              Google "Nutsack" and see what kind of pictures come up


              • #8
                Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

                Originally posted by Ooga View Post
                Well, the guy meant the best, but it sounds dumb:

                "Hey, I don't know if you guys were being heckled or what prompted Gavin to tell folks that they could leave if they didn't want to listen, but whatever happened PLEASE don't take that as a symbol of Florida's appreciation. My friends and I have been to all of your shows and we love your music, thank you so much and please don't stop coming here we need you! So, what the hell did happen that night anyway? I didn't hear anything...

                ps. We're the ones who always tell you guys how awesome you are and say 'THANKYOU! We love you!' Loudly in between songs. Cheers!"

                I mean...

                Is he 12 years old or just an 18 year old Mexican too caught up with white pussy? Seriously, guys. All racist-ish jokes aside (It's not like Mexicans and blacks don't do it to whites, right? -- "cracker" rings a mighty bell.)


                The guy thought he was a part of a group of people that shouted and promoted the name: Dredg so loudly and vividly, that he was a part of something special. I wonder what a guy like that would think if he knew enough 'bout the way Dredg has responded to their recent promotion -- which they could've handled much better and with VERY much more precision, delicacy and professionalism.

                And before you waste time criticizing my judgments, I would like it if you considered theirs. They've been whining about more exposure for how long? And most of you give them a pat on the back when they fail and begin questioning why they're still not any further along. In the end, I guess it's good that you aren't where they are.... because you can't even control the tugging on the curtains behind the whole show. Ah well though.... whatever.
                What is the backstory or setup to this?
                We'll fuck standing and we'll fuck then lying, if they had wings we'll fuck them flying, when they are dead and long forgotten we'll dig them up and fuck them rotten.
                Originally posted by auto-de-fe
                happy birthday, you bastard of bastards.


                • #9
                  Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

                  i can't believe you just asked that question
                  Google "Nutsack" and see what kind of pictures come up


                  • #10
                    Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

                    Originally posted by Sittingsideways View Post
                    i can't believe you just asked that question
                    I realize I'm feeding your flame, and you're probably laughing just because I'm responding to this garbage, but what is it that you seek in this thread? You keep coming back after your opinion has been laid out. Agitation? Annoyance? Superiority? Seriously, what is it, man?

                    Here's a link for all the idiots that don't know what Search means as a function:

                    OMG! Ooga is just starting shit for no reason! GODZILLA! (RIGHT?)


                    NOTE: I edited the first post to make it easier to understand.
                    Last edited by Ooga; October 2, 2009, 07:07 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

                      A Challenger Appears!

                      Originally posted by Knifeboy
                      seeing how i'm a pompous asshole, AND a rapist.. Do you really have to ask?


                      • #12
                        Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

                        Can I nominate something? This
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                        Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
                        Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dumbest Thing You've Heard...

                          Originally posted by Knifeboy
                          I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

                          but pops gotta get his viagra

