Judgement Day is a drummer, a cello player and a violin. There sound is heavy metal, and they hit it perfectly. It was intensely loud and sounded great, acoustics at the Social in Orlando are pretty bad ass and it is such a small, intimate venue. Judgement Day does not sing at all, solely instrumental, but they won't dissapoint you. It's very entertaining and unusual to see these guys play.
Division Day puts up a giant screen in front of them so that they can play movies via projector the entire time they play music behind the screen which is pretty damn good sounding. Nothing obnoxious and nothing cheese. The last 5 minutes are images of past wars and it gets pretty intense if you know your history and what you are looking at. I can see how some can get bored because it is not traditional. The only other band I can think of offhand that has done something like this is Tomahawk (they play while some kind of old school porno is being projected) and Pink Floyd (used to play behind a wall for the entire set).
Than Dredg comes out and the volume of everything seems to go up 300 %... I still am hearing a ringing and its been about 14 hours. INCREDIBLE STUFF! They came out with ODE TO THE SUN thats the only song I can remember in order. I know they finished with Canyond Behind Her. Here is a list of everything in between that I can remember.
Ode To The Sun
Catch Without Arms
Jamais Vu
Planting Seeds
Of The Room ( halfway through they stopped to let a guy in the audience finish the drum part and he nailed it! ) It blew everyone away but im sure Dino would have done it better. STILL AMAZING... not a flaw in the song..
Sang Real
The Canyon Behind Her
Saviour (BAD ASS LIVE)
I'm pretty sure they played Ireland only because he said they were gonna play a couple new songs.. doesnt really stick in my memory.
one other new song, again not sure what it was called and don't really recall
Bug Eyes (extended intro)
The Tanbark is hot lava
Same Ol' Road
I dont think they played anything of Leimotif
The Show was unbelievable.. these guys are great!
the Orlando crowd was fucking nuts... the place was rocking and Dredg even seemed to be a little stunned on the fan response... and than Gavin said ''We have a new CD coming out, but you guys up front here probably have already downloaded it off the internet''
when he said this it struck me that a lot of fans arent purchasing the records from record stores.. YOU HAVE GOT TO BUY THE ALBUMS or this band is gonna dissapear guys/girls... this is crucial to bands that are great but are struggling with record sales... youve got to stop buying single songs at a time off itunes and start buying the albums. OLD SCHOOL... go to a record shop and buy the fucking albums.. its simple.
Ive lost my El Cielo CD so Im heading out in the morning to go pick a new one up. not expensive and its wel worth it.
Another good point of the show is when Dino let the guy start drumming he came to the bar near us and got adrink and become a fan while he drank his beer awesome guy!!
one of the first songs he was drumming so hard he left his seat and he knocked his ear piece off... so after the song.. they stopped and gavin said do we have a replacement... they didnt so they instructed everyone to look on the floor and these two guys found it and they got to go up on stage
coolest part of the show is when I am standing next to a guy in his 40's and he told me... I havent seen anything like this in a long time and I was thinking... that has to be what at least 15 years for him at his age??/
Division Day puts up a giant screen in front of them so that they can play movies via projector the entire time they play music behind the screen which is pretty damn good sounding. Nothing obnoxious and nothing cheese. The last 5 minutes are images of past wars and it gets pretty intense if you know your history and what you are looking at. I can see how some can get bored because it is not traditional. The only other band I can think of offhand that has done something like this is Tomahawk (they play while some kind of old school porno is being projected) and Pink Floyd (used to play behind a wall for the entire set).
Than Dredg comes out and the volume of everything seems to go up 300 %... I still am hearing a ringing and its been about 14 hours. INCREDIBLE STUFF! They came out with ODE TO THE SUN thats the only song I can remember in order. I know they finished with Canyond Behind Her. Here is a list of everything in between that I can remember.
Ode To The Sun
Catch Without Arms
Jamais Vu
Planting Seeds
Of The Room ( halfway through they stopped to let a guy in the audience finish the drum part and he nailed it! ) It blew everyone away but im sure Dino would have done it better. STILL AMAZING... not a flaw in the song..
Sang Real
The Canyon Behind Her
Saviour (BAD ASS LIVE)
I'm pretty sure they played Ireland only because he said they were gonna play a couple new songs.. doesnt really stick in my memory.
one other new song, again not sure what it was called and don't really recall
Bug Eyes (extended intro)
The Tanbark is hot lava
Same Ol' Road
I dont think they played anything of Leimotif
The Show was unbelievable.. these guys are great!
the Orlando crowd was fucking nuts... the place was rocking and Dredg even seemed to be a little stunned on the fan response... and than Gavin said ''We have a new CD coming out, but you guys up front here probably have already downloaded it off the internet''
when he said this it struck me that a lot of fans arent purchasing the records from record stores.. YOU HAVE GOT TO BUY THE ALBUMS or this band is gonna dissapear guys/girls... this is crucial to bands that are great but are struggling with record sales... youve got to stop buying single songs at a time off itunes and start buying the albums. OLD SCHOOL... go to a record shop and buy the fucking albums.. its simple.
Ive lost my El Cielo CD so Im heading out in the morning to go pick a new one up. not expensive and its wel worth it.
Another good point of the show is when Dino let the guy start drumming he came to the bar near us and got adrink and become a fan while he drank his beer awesome guy!!
one of the first songs he was drumming so hard he left his seat and he knocked his ear piece off... so after the song.. they stopped and gavin said do we have a replacement... they didnt so they instructed everyone to look on the floor and these two guys found it and they got to go up on stage
coolest part of the show is when I am standing next to a guy in his 40's and he told me... I havent seen anything like this in a long time and I was thinking... that has to be what at least 15 years for him at his age??/