granted that song that was playing when drew was playing keys was probably filtered because they were recording, but there was for sure some effects on gavins voice.
Google "Nutsack" and see what kind of pictures come up
Just realized, that first clip you see with Mark and the Piano... Most definitely Waterbourne. And from the drum beat, it sounds quite a bit slower than the live version. At first I thought that it might be an instrumental but it has Gavin singing on it so I bet not...
yeah no way. that's a totally different beat than waterborne. we've heard other clips of this song in an older leaflet, and it is most likely what anomicband said, the same song later on in this leaflet.
This is really good. i think whoever said that they are saving the best for the record is right. They really haven't played enough new songs (complete anyway) live for us to make a judgement. From the leaflets so far, there have been at least three ideas that I am really hoping make it to the album. The song in the tunnel, the "sacrifice one's self..." song, and cartoon showroom was cool.
"sacrifice.." probably goes with "can we start over". The theme is exactly in line. I think he is talking about religious fanatics, ie suicide bombers?
From the 7billionth concept I heard someone mention, along with the themes of most of the songs, makes me believe they are writing an album that shows the recent years as being dominated by religious nuts on both sides of the spectrum.
"Savior" says that there is no need to forgive...which may be about the american people supporting an idiot president just to get revenge for the 9/11 attacks.
I think Waterborne talks about someone blindly following their religion "his actions a gift for a god without a name" and the beginning verses seem to be talking about priests (someone who sits about and listens to confessions "i'll sit in silence, as you bleed your deepest feelings")
"Ireland" is obviously taking the piss from people who live in the same town all their life and never venture out to see the rest of the world. These people are the ones who will blindly follow their traditions and never move away from the way things were before.
I think I am going to stop typing now, and let you guys discuss what I have so far. By the way, I am a Christian. Rather, a follower of Christ. But I can't stand most people who call themselves Christians, and use that as an excuse to discriminate and try to control people's thought processes. There is most definitely a way to follow one's religion and still think for yourself. And that goes for any religion.
Also, if you feel this belongs in another thread, feel free to move it.
Last edited by drummerjs; October 28, 2008, 10:30 PM.