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Illustrations, Paintings, Platypus-Giraffe Breeds!

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  • Illustrations, Paintings, Platypus-Giraffe Breeds!

    I have been known to @#%$ around with ink and watercolor, and I felt that it was time to share some of the work that I've been doing this year.

    Please feel free to tell me how bad I suck, but remember that I'm not particular worried about technical skill aspects, as the paintings were done in the fashion of sharpie and watercolor and were meant to be the way they are.

    In other words I don't care if you think the paint was applied terribly or anything.

    They are for sale, I don't know if anyone would ever buy these. But they are originals and will never be replicated. As of right now I'd like to get them off of my hands. It's not that I don't like them anymore or anything, but I feel like they are parts of me that aren't an extention of how I feel, or even what I want to show off really (except for this thread, of course.)

    It's not that I'm not proud of them at all.

    They were done during the school year, as I was experimenting with one medium and constant theme of working in abstract shapes into psychedelic folk-art type themes and being as pretentious and spontaneous as possible just to get a feel and eventually come out with some experience with a certain medium (I guess you could call it.)

    As for what you are supposed to feel or think or get out of these, it's pretty much just up to you. I try to put layers upon layers of different delicate fine lines and features (although they aren't shown here very well).

    I also apologize for the shitty pictures, it's the best I could do with my digital camera after messing with it for an hour (i'm not very camera savy). If you are serious about buying them, email me at [email protected] and I can try to get you a scan so you can see the finer details that make them what they are.

    I'm not including titles right now, because I don't think they are really important to the pieces. Most of the ones I chose were just self explanatory.

    Enough talking.

    Here they are..

    Parts of a 4 piece, almost panoramic board. Other peices have been sold already.

    These were orignally about a 4 foot high peice, all cut up and @#%$ with. I'm sorry for the shitty close-up of it.

    This piece is sort of more conceptual than the others. The hands are hard to see on the piano because of my terrible photography skills, but they are indeed hands playing the piano. I really just wanted something very Baroque, very romantic, and lots of blood, and red, and faces of the characters actually not being very important to the peice.

    (I'm terribly sorry for the quality of the pictures also. If I ever get them scanned properly I will post back with perhaps larger downloadable versions)


  • #2
    re: Illustrations, Paintings, Platypus-Giraffe Breeds!

    ^ mine.

    Teh bump.


    • #3
      That's really awesome stuff. I particularly like the second last piece. Some sort of crazy living plant, all spindly and veiny. Really great work.
      - Peter Linfield [[email protected]]

