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Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

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  • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

    Originally posted by InfraredDream View Post
    Something to be proud of I guess?
    Not sure if proud is the word, but yeah I'm very happy about the choice I made. The only reason for me to pay for that obsolete disc is if the booklet/package makes it worthwhile with interesting artwork and content. Something like a cool making-of DVD would do the trick. But apparently it's a nearly empty jewel case without even the lyrics included. Fuck that. I skip the middle man and download the digital files without having to rip the waste of plastic.

    I have my tickets to see them soon, as I always do when they come to Philly.


    • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

      Still awaiting the black shirt bundle and have still only heard two songs so far. I await the new music video as well...
      Last edited by dsv; May 5, 2011, 02:02 AM.


      • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

        Originally posted by rossimo View Post
        I just bought their album on iTunes (using some leftover iTunes credit) to support them. I have no intention of listening to this again, though...I'm just loyal
        I've bought every album they have made that is worth my money. This one was certainly not. I originally bought the pre-order that got axed. In the meantime, I heard the album. Sorry, guys, but I'm not buying it.

        They'll blame it on the leak, but I blame it on sub-par music from a band I love. The leak just saved me from being pissed at them for spending money on it.
        I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
        I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
        A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
        To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


        • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

          I doubt they'll blame anything on the leak.
          Originally posted by vsd
          ...and to be frank...i think...


          • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

            Originally posted by Frank Nit View Post
            I doubt they'll blame anything on the leak.
            I just added that in there because Gavin has shown a distaste for leaks in the past.

            This won't stop me from enjoying the rest of their music, either. I understand that they, as a band, love to experiment, just like Rush. However, sometimes experiments fail. Hopefully they come back and offer a more focused album next time.
            I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
            I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
            A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
            To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


            • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

              so who wants to pm me the FLAC to throw on my mp3 player?



              • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                I only have the digital files until they send me my mega bundle.
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                Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
                Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


                • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                  are they 192?



                  • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

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                    Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
                    Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


                    • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                      didn't like down without a fight at first and now i love it after i heard it in concert on tuesday and wednesday.


                      • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                        Originally posted by AnewKINDofFEELING View Post
                        I've bought every album they have made that is worth my money. This one was certainly not. I originally bought the pre-order that got axed. In the meantime, I heard the album. Sorry, guys, but I'm not buying it.
                        Well, you could just spend the money on CAMS and think of it as more money going towards your purchase of their other records to help the band out even more than you already have. I mean, they obviously didn't strike it rich with any of those records and wouldn't you agree that they are basically priceless? I mean, you buy a record once and you get to listen to it countless times for free over and over again until the end of time (theoretically). If you think about it, the money you spend on a record (or even a "mega bundle") is pocket change. I don't care how much money you make. I don't even make $9 an hour and I still stand by that statement. Sure, it would be nice if more people would buy their shit once, so that other people wouldn't feel so obligated to spend twice as much...but they aren't.

                        Just a thought, that's all.

                        Maybe they figured that by doing a more simplistic record, they'd get a little more success, and in turn, make more money. The other way obviously hasn't worked for least, not yet. Maybe CAMS is their passive aggressive way of saying Fuck You to the world. Not to anyone in particular, but just people in general. Doesn't matter what they say in interviews...they're just words. They're intelligent people who could easily put on a poker face and lie through their teeth to the media. We don't know what's really going on inside their heads. Or maybe they're not hiding anything at all. Who knows. But if the people really love their earlier work as much as they say they do, then this small bump in the road shouldn't really be anything to be taken too seriously, especially when you take the big picture that is the almighty overlooked dredg into consideration. But people seem to be moving on and other people have already moved on, so that's good. Meanwhile, I'm just waiting for the physical record to arrive so I can listen to it...
                        Last edited by vsd; May 7, 2011, 05:41 PM.
                        [QUOTE=gtrplyr7;176776]I'll never stop looking for new music but I find the older I get, the less new music appeals to me and the more I end up going back to older stuff. I think everyone has that decade of music that they could really relate to. For me, it was the 90s...[/QUOTE]
                        [QUOTE=Gnomad;176814]I don't look for new or old music. I kind of just let it find me. I prefer it that way. I don't feel like I'm forcing myself to like certain things. It's all about being in the right setting and mood when you first hear it.[/QUOTE]


                        • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                          Originally posted by vsd View Post
                          Maybe they figured that by doing a more simplistic record, they'd get a little more success, and in turn, make more money. The other way obviously hasn't worked for least, not yet. Maybe CAMS is their passive aggressive way of saying Fuck You to the world. Not to anyone in particular, but just people in general. Doesn't matter what they say in interviews...they're just words. They're intelligent people who could easily put on a poker face and lie through their teeth to the media. We don't know what's really going on inside their heads. Or maybe they're not hiding anything at all. Who knows. But if the people really love their earlier work as much as they say they do, then this small bump in the road shouldn't really be anything to be taken too seriously, especially when you take the big picture that is the almighty overlooked dredg into consideration. But people seem to be moving on and other people have already moved on, so that's good. Meanwhile, I'm just waiting for the physical record to arrive so I can listen to it...
                          I can see a washed out moon through the fog.


                          • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                            Originally posted by AnewKINDofFEELING View Post
                            I've bought every album they have made that is worth my money. This one was certainly not. I originally bought the pre-order that got axed. In the meantime, I heard the album. Sorry, guys, but I'm not buying it.

                            They'll blame it on the leak, but I blame it on sub-par music from a band I love. The leak just saved me from being pissed at them for spending money on it.
                            Ditto. And I'm not refraining from buying the record to spite the band; I just decided, after listening to the leak for a couple weeks, that I'd be embarrassed to have it in my collection. I honestly think I'll be much better off in the long run pretending this album doesn't exist and continuing to enjoy the hell out of the old records (a couple of which I bought two copies of at release, which makes me feel a bit less guilty this time). In keeping with that, I've already deleted the leak off my hard drive.


                            • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                              "They'll blame it on the leak, but I blame it on sub-par music from a band I love."

                              but if it wasn't for the leak, you wouldn't have known it to be 'sub-par'. that seems to be pretty good justification to blame it on the leak right there.

                              this leak is probably going to hurt them way more than any other leak has, since it's turning hardcore fans away from buying their albums...which they could have counted on from previous leaks.

                              i dunno. you don't like it, that's fine. but if you enjoy a single track on this album, at least buy that one off itunes or something. if anything that'd be a better way to let the band know what songs were appreciated on the album and which ones weren't.
                              Originally posted by Lye In Your Eye
                              you're pretty narcissistic
                              enjoy that, nobody else does.
                              Originally posted by Madklikor
                              You call me ignorant? LOL...Stop judging right you or you're gonna find me


                              • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                                Meh. You buy two if you like it so much. I will buy a ticket to support the band. I'm not buying CAMS. Next.
                                I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                                I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                                A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                                To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd

