I listened to the stuff they released early or played live (The Thought of Losing You, Upon Returning, Where I'll End Up), but I wanted to wait for the whole album until today. I'm on my first listen right now...and its weird.
I just bought their album on iTunes (using some leftover iTunes credit) to support them. I have no intention of listening to this again, though...I'm just loyal
I'm impressed, they put as much creativity into the packaging for this thing as they did for the music of the album, nice. No booklet, no art whatsoever. Worst of all instead of putting in lyrics, there's some stupidass story about Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy. The icing on the cake! No reason not to put lyrics and artwork in an album, might as well have just downloaded it. Instantly regretting buying this.
end rant
Ahh, I feel better. On a positive note some songs have grown on me. I really dig Another Tribe, Ornament, Thought of Losing You, Somebody is Laughing, and Before it began. Rest is poop. Wish I could be more positive for one of my top 5 bands but this sadly is not possible.