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Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

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  • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

    Every time The Ornament comes on when I'm listening to CAMS, I start singing "Lady In Red", haha. It's that horrible synthetic shaker that does it in for me. I just wish they would lay the song to rest already. Otherwise, it kinda feels like Coheed's albums with the same song re-recorded a few times.

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    • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

      I have now listened to the album a few times in single listens and decided to give my opinion now. My feelings have changed quite a bit since first listens, but some things still don't change.

      Another Tribe:
      I think it is a very interesting opener for the album, even if a little underwhelming. Gavin's whispered vocals do work within the song, but are also rather cheesy and cliche. Lyrically it is one of the best pieces on the album. Gavin's voice just doesn't seem suited to the vocal style in the chorus. By the end of the song, I'm fighting off the temptation to skip to the next song, unfortunately. They should have ended it around the 3:00 mark.

      Upon Returning:
      This song really stands out on the album for me. The problem is, that guitar tone will always be trash on the verses. It just doesn't work. It sounds like they compressed that track 8 times over and then ran it through a compressor. Lyrically, I like it. I've seen my good friends face the same thing after returning from battle. A good friend was the sole survivor of an attack. Had to load his buddies' bodies into a Humvee and guard them all night. Then he came back and people had the nerve to call him a warmonger. Fuck them.

      Back to the song, just as it gets a little repetitive, the bridge kicks in and saves the day. I think this is one of 3 well-written songs on the entire album.

      The Tent:
      So, Dan the Automator took a Mike Patton song and asked Gavin to sing it. The vocal track sounds like trash here. I get the cheeky delivery given the lyrics, but Gavin just doesn't have the voice for it. It sounds very forced.

      Then, The Chorus, dear god. Probably the worst thing dredg has ever recorded. This chorus alone makes me want to call them assholes for ditching FAR better songs like On Again, Off Again, etc. This song, quite frankly, should have never been made. Since it was made, it should have been deleted. It is just bad.

      Somebody is Laughing:
      The best guitar work on the album and it really makes me like the song. It actually sounds like this is the pinnacle of what they were trying to do on the album. Very poppy, yet dredgy. I haven't listened too closely to the lyrics, but the vocal delivery is not at all cheesy to me. I really like this song.

      Down Without a Fight:
      This song is the first thing I heard that actually drew me in. It sounds so un-dredg, but yet very interesting. The synth line is very VETO-sounding, and I like it. I like the lyrical theme, but some of the lines are just bad (chorus). Then you have a great, classic Gavin line like "Believing positivity breeds positive happenings." Great fucking line, even if a little corny. Overall, this is a keeper that will end up on many playlists.

      The Ornament:
      If this was my first time hearing this song, I would think meh. It sounds like Sting ass-raped Phil Collins and this is the resultant chum-baby. They took a fantastically moody song and turned the cheese to 11. I am glad I still have the original recording from Chicago. That is by far the best version of the song. They just need to leave this song alone from now on, as it is regressing. The sparseness was its beauty. Now you have a forced vocal line that just doesn't work.

      The Thought of Losing You:
      I hated the song at first, but it has grown on me. Not much, but it has. Still, I think it is not up to par with the rest of the dredg library. It just seems very "by the books" pop rock and that isn't good. It's really just a boring song to me.

      I like it. Very much owed to Elliott Smith, but it is a solid track. I think this is actually the most unlike dredg, which I'm totally cool with. Gavin sounds great, but again, the track sounds like shit. I'm hoping the streaming rip has something to do with it. Other than that, this makes me want an acoustic dredg album.

      Sun Goes Down:
      I don't hate it, but I'm never going to yearn to hear this song. Candy pop. I could actually see this song being a hit, but that's not to say the song is great. It just is.

      Where I'll End Up:
      So many people dislike this song. I think it may be my favorite song on the album. I like the upbeat sound of it. I think this actually would have been a great closing track. It seems like a dredg closer for some reason. Really, I love this song. One of the only times on the album that you can hear Drew being Drew, which was always one of my favorite things about dredg.

      Before It Began:
      It is a decent track, but those that said Jimmy Buffett are correct. This sounds like it could have fit on any Buffett album from Barometer Soup to Far Side of the World. It sounds like it could almost be a straight ripoff of Buffett. I've always loved that era of Jimmy Buffett's music, though. So I actually do enjoy the song. It just isn't at all original and a very weak closing track.

      Overall, I am greatly disappointed in this "album." There are songs that I really enjoy, and others that make me cringe. I don't mind the poppier sound, but I take some offense to the fact that they elected to churn out an EP and call it an album. They have 86ed songs that are better than 2/3 of this album, and that's a shame.
      Last edited by AnewKINDofFEELING; April 19, 2011, 05:18 PM.
      I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
      I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
      A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
      To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


      • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

        Originally posted by AnewKINDofFEELING View Post
        They have 86ed songs that are better than 2/3 of this album, and that's a shame.
        so true!


        • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

          That was a thought out review, ANKoF. I agree with you on a lot of your points. Even on Where I'll End Up. I really don't think this song was butchered, and the more I hear it, the more I like it. Still, while I enjoy it, this isn't my favorite album.

          And new dredg is new dredg. Good or bad, I'll take it. Still, I can't help but agree that they've abandoned better songs compared to half the album.


          • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

            Originally posted by Sittingsideways View Post

            I would go El Cielo, Leitmotif, TPTPTD, CWA, and then good ol Chuckles.

            I just think as far as a concept album and from start to finish El Cielo is the album of many decades for me. Not a bad song on it in my opinion.

            As far as TPTPTD, it didn't feel AS cohesive and i was not a fan of the Stamps either (except for the last one)... thought they were a waste and felt out of place on the album. Also, besides the middle part that was cut out of the radio single, Information is unlistenable to me.

            Even thought this is in the wrong thread. I'm curious to hear your stance on which album has the better ending... El Cielo or TPTPTD? When i say end i mean It Only Took a Day/Whoa Is Me/Canyon Behind Her vs. Quotes/Down to the Cellar/Horizon.
            I am UrSaviour and I approve this message!


            • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

              Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
              That was a thought out review, ANKoF. I agree with you on a lot of your points. Even on Where I'll End Up. I really don't think this song was butchered, and the more I hear it, the more I like it. Still, while I enjoy it, this isn't my favorite album.

              And new dredg is new dredg. Good or bad, I'll take it. Still, I can't help but agree that they've abandoned better songs compared to half the album.
              Yeah but those songs wouldn't have worked in the confines of this album. They were going for haunting, dirty, grimy pop music with an electronic feel. None of the songs they've decided to not release would have worked with this album.
              Google "Nutsack" and see what kind of pictures come up


              • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                I don't think that's what he means, though. I think he prefers that they made a different album with those songs. And part of me agrees. I like what we got, I'm happy with it. But I'm not going to deny that this could have been something different and better.


                • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                  Yeah... you think they'll EVER release a b-sides album?
                  Google "Nutsack" and see what kind of pictures come up


                  • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                    Man, I wish... but Drew has always said most likely no. They think it's hokey. But who knows, maybe they've changed their perspective on it.


                    • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                      One of my favourite bands (Marillion) is doing some special CDs/DVDs they give to us (fan club members) as Christmas gifts, etc. I think that is a pretty good idea of using the b-sides, leftovers and DVDs they don't like enough to put them on sale. It is win-win. So, who knows, maybe one day dredg will find a good way to release the b-sides. There are some awesome songs there that many of us will LOVE to have!
                      Many friends yet still a loner...


                      • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                        Originally posted by InfraredDream View Post
                        Eagle Morph, just read your review. With a little bit of adjustments here and there, this is pretty much how I feel. Especially in the part about the talent. And about missing Dino and Mark. I do like Gavin vocals for the most part, he does some incredible stuff here, he is very confident with his voice and I love that most about the album. But same with me, very sad there are so many songs I can't really force myself to listen That never happened for me before and I don't like this new kind of feeling. I also see I am not the only one who is not happy with the added beat in the beautiful Ornament and feeling that actually takes out the emotion. Yesterday I felt I was the only one feeling that way.
                        Overall, pretty much my take on the album.
                        As for Gavin's vocals on the album, it's not like they're bad. He's still very good and confident. But his range isn't showcased like it should be. The entire album takes the best of dredg and their originality and neuters it.
                        Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
                        I don't think that's what he means, though. I think he prefers that they made a different album with those songs. And part of me agrees. I like what we got, I'm happy with it. But I'm not going to deny that this could have been something different and better.
                        And this is where I come down, too. I can appreciate the direction dredg went with this, but considering what they've left on the cutting room floor before, it seems like a misguided decision.

                        Consider even some of the originals that came out of the Pariah sessions that didn't make it. Had they continued in the direction with songs like "Holding a Remedy Potion", Can We Start Over? (Time Will Tell)", "Wondrous Miracle", and the original version of "Where I'll End Up", it would have been a very interesting musical journey.
                        A one track mind in a one way town
                        Let's go ahead and gentrify
                        We let art die with robot minds
                        Steal the brush and paint boundary lines


                        • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                          Originally posted by Sittingsideways View Post
                          Yeah but those songs wouldn't have worked in the confines of this album. They were going for haunting, dirty, grimy pop music with an electronic feel. None of the songs they've decided to not release would have worked with this album.
                          See, that's the problem. It seems they were too concerned with making a dark pop album to make a good album. It's like they handcuffed themselves from the start. Most of it seems very forced and predictable, even the songs that I enjoy. Those are two words that I never thought I'd use to describe dredg.

                          The whole thing just seems entirely misguided to me. I'm not dredg, though. They can do whatever the hell they please.
                          I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                          I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                          A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                          To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


                          • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                            I feel that if they had recorded the songs we had already heard,(The Ornament, Where I'll End Up) They would have ended up a lot better.

                            Lolz forgot my main point. Recorded them during PPD*
                            Last edited by Debtfoabaaposba; April 20, 2011, 10:48 PM.


                            • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                              Long time dredg fan. Have read the board from time to time over the years. Finally felt like joining.

                              About CAMS - I honestly really like this CD. Let me start off by saying that I had absolutely 0 expectations for this release and just went off the assumption that I would like it because it has 2 of my favorite artists (dredg and DTA)

                              I really love electronic music and dark styled pop like Mike Patton/DTA stuff (peeping tom - loveage) minus the bear, flaming lips etc.... However, I can see where some people feel let down and can honestly say I understand it. Its hard to follow up something like TPTPTD with ANYTHING much less a shorter styled album that leans more towards pop than epicness.

                              As I do with a lot of CD's, I have made what I call my ultimate mixes for CAMS. I take out songs I don't like switch the order around sometimes and replace songs with past songs I think can fit or good bsides. My ultimate Chuckles mix tracklist is:

                              What have I done
                              Another Tribe
                              Upon Returning
                              The Tent
                              Somebody is Laughing
                              Down w/out a fight
                              The old has returned
                              The ornament
                              Sun goes Down
                              Before It Began
                              Down to the Cellar *I know this fits perfectly on Pariah but it closes CAMS well)

                              Sorry for the long winded 1st post and HI!


                              • Re: Album Discussion: Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy

                                If I were to put any b-side on Chuckles it would have to be On Again Off Again.

                                Seriously, that song cleaned up would be magic with Gavin's voice as it is now. I have never understood the hate dredg have for it.
                                words always ebbing, never flowing

