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  • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

    Originally posted by And we'll just put a happy little bush over here. View Post
    A fundamentalist is a fundamentalist regardless of system. One can be a Christian one, a Muslim one, or even an Atheistic one.

    Lulz at the idea of me being a theist.
    Pity, though, that you wont move beyond your ignorance and insularity. Atheist arguments informed by religious studies are a lot more intriguing and convincing.
    Go ahead and name a "fundamental" belief that an atheist can be "fundamentalist" about.

    Also name an atheistic argument informed by religious studies. there's only one atheistic argument that I know of.


    • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

      Why? You wont read it. You wont even bother with it. That's kind of why this argument is an exercise in futility. The assumed idea that everyone who has a modicum of interest in religious studies must be a "theist", as you put it, is rather amusing. There are lots of professors who are from non-theist tradition in the academy. But, just in case, Robert M. Price writes from the perspective of atheism, albeit Christian Atheism. He holds two PhDs, one in theology and one in Bible. There are other atheists as well. They do not all explicitly/publicly name their tradition, so, in favor of their anonymity, I will keep their names secret, as they are my friends, colleagues, and teachers. But they are there. Ivan Petrella, for example, is an Agnostic Christian liberation theologian, and, I believe, Bart D. Erdmann, a Bible scholar, still identifies as an agnostic.
      Originally posted by Knifeboy
      I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

      but pops gotta get his viagra


      • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

        Originally posted by And we'll just put a happy little bush over here. View Post
        Why? You wont read it. You wont even bother with it. That's kind of why this argument is an exercise in futility.
        lol, well, that ends that then.


        Originally posted by And we'll just put a happy little bush over here. View Post
        The assumed idea that everyone who has a modicum of interest in religious studies must be a "theist", as you put it, is rather amusing. There are lots of professors who are from non-theist tradition in the academy. But, just in case, Robert M. Price writes from the perspective of atheism, albeit Christian Atheism. He holds two PhDs, one in theology and one in Bible. There are other atheists as well. They do not all explicitly/publicly name their tradition, so, in favor of their anonymity, I will keep their names secret, as they are my friends, colleagues, and teachers. But they are there. Ivan Petrella, for example, is an Agnostic Christian liberation theologian, and, I believe, Bart D. Erdmann, a Bible scholar, still identifies as an agnostic.
        I can think of no barrier preventing an atheist from studying the bible, or any other piece of literature if they so want. why? what was your point for all the name dropping? we're not talking about the bible are we? If so, I'll bow out. I thought we were talking about atheism...


        • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

          Originally posted by SimpatiK View Post
          How does one go about being a atheistic fundamentalist? Is there a holy book of atheism I'm supposed to base my life around? The God Delusion perhaps? I haven't even read that through. I don't think it's relevant to argue about gods existence or unexistence because no one ever wins that discussion. It's more interesting to look at the effect religion has upon people and it has done way more harm than good. That goes for every organized religion that likes to enforce their rules upon people.
          Fundamentalism does not require a holy book. All it requires is a strict allegiance to any set of principles.

          Unqualified statements like "religion has done way more harm than good" proves to be one of the most simplistic and ultimately unprovable thesis.
          Originally posted by FeebleFables View Post
          lol, well, that ends that then.


          I can think of no barrier preventing an atheist from studying the bible, or any other piece of literature if they so want. why? what was your point for all the name dropping? we're not talking about the bible are we? If so, I'll bow out. I thought we were talking about atheism...
          We were talking about religion, and the definitions of religion. And then you denigrated all of religious studies, and that's how we got here.
          Originally posted by Knifeboy
          I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

          but pops gotta get his viagra


          • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

            Originally posted by And we'll just put a happy little bush over here. View Post
            We were talking about religion, and the definitions of religion. And then you denigrated all of religious studies, and that's how we got here.
            We were? I thought we were talking about atheism and how it's not a form of religion, and then I went on to say that I don't care an ounce about religious studies...

            I thought we were stuck on you not being able to describe atheism as a form of religion. And not being able to name a "fundamental" belief that an atheist can be "fundamentalist" about.
            And not being able to name an atheistic argument informed by religious studies. For some reason, at this point you flipped it around the other way, to atheists' capabilities of studying religion...


            • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

              I had argued that an informed a critique of religion informed by religious studies provides atheists with more interesting and intriguing critiques of religion. This was a response to your disavowal of the field.
              Originally posted by Knifeboy
              I appreciate your distrust in the machine that is the medicinal industry

              but pops gotta get his viagra


              • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                Originally posted by And we'll just put a happy little bush over here. View Post
                I had argued that an informed a critique of religion informed by religious studies provides atheists with more interesting and intriguing critiques of religion. This was a response to your disavowal of the field.
                Oh, well I wasn't critiquing religion, I was defending science and atheism.

                But yes, you probably would find my critique of religion boring, because I'm completely irreligious, I don't find religion worthwhile or necessary in the slightest, let alone religious studies, that is to say, in any non-anthropological sense.

                And to be honest, I don't really see atheists critique religions from the religious studies side much either... since it's not really necessary... I suppose Christopher Hitchens will do it occasionally. But if it's atheism vs. a religion that makes supernatural claims, or infringes on people's human rights then logic and reason will suffice. If it's atheism vs. a religion that doesn't make any supernatural claim or rights infringements... there isn't typically a debate. But I'm sure since you name dropped a few people, you have plenty to float your boat.
                Last edited by FeebleFables; November 7, 2011, 02:33 AM.


                • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                  HEY!!! I want more stupid idiotic brain numbing videos. What is this shit?
                  Google "Nutsack" and see what kind of pictures come up


                  • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                    Fuck this, here's a sleeping sharpei.



                    • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                      Originally posted by FeebleFables View Post
                      But if it's atheism vs. a religion that makes supernatural claims, or infringes on people's human rights
                      I'll ignore the "supernatural claims" part, because that is also my main issue with religion...

                      But I don't know of any religions that demand infringing on anyone's rights. Christians are told, at least in the Bible, that they are to follow man's laws as long as they do not conflict with God's laws. I'm not aware of any law, at least in America, that would conflict with those laws. It's not like there's a law requiring every person to kill their neighbor and covet his wife.

                      There are bad people in all belief systems. A few rotten apples and the entire thing is vilified. It's the biggest problem I have with some of the more outspoken athiests, who as bushie has pointed out, use many of the same tactics as the radical Christians/Muslims/whatever: you're personally attacking a group of people based on a minority.
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                      Originally posted by TheRuleofThree
                      Very well - you caught me in a rare mistake. I commend you for achieving this elite honor.


                      • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                        Originally posted by Sittingsideways View Post
                        HEY!!! I want more stupid idiotic brain numbing videos. What is this shit?


                        • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                          For the record, I was simply defending science and atheism, until it was flipped around on me. So don’t freak out on me and call me a militant atheist for speaking my mind from here on. (or, well, go ahead, it just won’t carry any weight)

                          I think it’s worth noting that people will defend their positions vigorously regardless of labels being put on them from the other side of the argument. For example, I see a lot of generalization about atheism and atheists coming directly from people trying to protect against generalization of their own position.

                          I see it all the time, simply discussing atheism immediately throws people into a tizzy, probably because it’s such a simple and logical concept, that it itself on its own is threatening. Just look at this thread alone, this all started because some dude went on youtube to defend his right to insult religions. Like it or not, it IS a right to insult whatever you want, your only penalty is coming off as an asshole. People have the right to insult anybody for anything. Fat people, skinny people, old people, stupid people. It happens all the time. The risk? Being called a prick. That’s where we should have left this one, right? That’s all I thought when I watched it… I smirked and said “prick” though I agreed. Just as I would have had I watched somebody rant about their right to insult the morbidly obese, or what have you.

                          Originally posted by Ars Sycro View Post
                          I'll ignore the "supernatural claims" part, because that is also my main issue with religion...
                          Well, I don’t think it’s fair to ignore it. Whether any of us like it or not, it is still the driving factor in most of the major religions in the world. But I’ll concede for the next point.

                          Originally posted by Ars Sycro View Post
                          But I don't know of any religions that demand infringing on anyone's rights. Christians are told, at least in the Bible, that they are to follow man's laws as long as they do not conflict with God's laws. I'm not aware of any law, at least in America, that would conflict with those laws. It's not like there's a law requiring every person to kill their neighbor and covet his wife.
                          But this is to ignore the fact that religion is so closely tied to government. There are PLENTY of laws based on Christian ideology oppressing individuals in America today. Gay rights, women’s rights with regards to abortion, sick people’s rights with regards to stem cell research, etc. You can’t get away from it, it starts at birth, a child gets raised and educated, and often indoctrinated, then goes on to pass on that indoctrination to others, maybe gets elected, and perhaps unwittingly uses the indoctrination to pass laws, not based on science or reason (which everybody should hope for) but rather, the indoctrinated principle. If this didn’t happen, I’m sure you’d rarely hear a peep from annoying atheists.

                          Let’s not even talk about sharia law.

                          Originally posted by Ars Sycro View Post
                          There are bad people in all belief systems. A few rotten apples and the entire thing is vilified. It's the biggest problem I have with some of the more outspoken athiests, who as bushie has pointed out, use many of the same tactics as the radical Christians/Muslims/whatever: you're personally attacking a group of people based on a minority.
                          Well, I can’t really speak to that, because I think EVERYBODY would benefit from being free from anybody else’s religion. And there’s only one position to take that doesn’t simply pit one vs. the other.


                          • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                            I don't even separate idealogical pricks into religious categories. They 're all the same kind of monkey, they just happen to be different colors. I've met sane atheists and same religious people alike. I'm willing to just leave it at "Some people are assholes."

                            Though I completely concede that it's very easy for me to live and let live, considering as a white, middle class male, I'm not persecuted directly by any religion I know of. As an American, possibly the more extremist islamic religions, but still, I have personally never had to deal with it. But, I'm not going to take a stance of righteousness. I was dealt a decent hand and I'm going to play it.

                            Probably adds nothing. But as with religion and non-religion alike, I'm not on any side. It all seems silly to me, just like this discussion.


                            • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                              best thing i ever saw on this subject was the 30 for 30 tv show that morgan spurlock did. They had an atheist go and live with a christian family for 30 days and one thing that was apparent was the atheist woman was willing to learn and understand the christian families faith but the christian family was not privy to the atheists beliefs and didn't really want to understand her ideology at all. They asked questions like, "where is your literature that backs your faith?" and were extremely condescending. They didn't come of as very nice people when it came to accepting other peoples ways of life and that i can't stand in people.
                              Google "Nutsack" and see what kind of pictures come up


                              • Re: Best of Youtube / Google Video

                                I saw that. That was pretty interesting.

