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  • Re: ................

    Originally posted by Penguin88 View Post
    i process and retain facts and information pretty well also but i usually don't mention my knowledge about something, even if the person i am talking to made a statement i know to be incorrect, unless it's going to help the conversation. correcting people about unimportant things is usually counterproductive to effective communication and to reinforcing relationships. the only time i correct someone is when they are a facts snob and i catch them when they are wrong about something. legitimately correcting a facts snob feels so right.
    See, I think this is where the schism occurs. I would prefer that somebody provide me with clarification over allowing me to continue spewing incorrect information and making myself look like a jackass to everyone who knows the subject being discussed. If you can't handle being corrected, don't posit a statement that you do not know to be 100% factual. Some people just can't handle being wrong and take it personally when they are corrected. If that makes me a know-it-all, so be it, prove me wrong.
    I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
    I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
    A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
    To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


    • Re: ................

      well i personally have a good sense of my own knowledge, and in that way i am open minded and i realize there are definite boundaries to my knowledge. I generally don't state something like it's a fact unless i am certain of it, preferably from multiple sources. but sometimes someone will say something that doesn't make sense or that i know is impossible, but because they are a friend i dont correct them unless it would benefit them/the conversation.

      most people who are wrong about a small fact aren't hurting anyone by it and it doesn't bother me, i just accept that they are different than i am, maybe more easily impressionable and less inquisitive. when someone is making a point about how they feel or something i'm not going to go on a tangent or even correct them about minor detals because i am focused on feeling what they are feeling and to point out technical inaccuracies wouldnt benefit me. i usually just say "im sorry, i dont know much about that". but of course if someone were to ask me whether i agreed with something and I didn't, i wouldn't hesitate to state my opinion. i find that my opinion is more valued when people have to ask for it than when i offer it often.

      as a side note i just accept that nobody is right all the time and that i have been mistaken before, perhaps in delicate scenarios where i would have been grateful that the other party had not pointed out my inaccuracy. say in heavily emotional circumstances, to correct the person is insensitive and not likely helpful.

      just my feelings on the matter. you're entitled to conduct your relatonships however you want, of course.
      Last edited by Penguin88; December 21, 2011, 10:36 PM.
      just sayin'...


      • Re: ................

        Change of life has taken fantastic turns in the past week. On top of learning that I passed my test and have been licensed as a Professional Engineer, I was told about an hour ago that next week I'm going to receive 2 1/2 years of back pay for a raise I should have gotten in June 2009. So, my paycheck will be over $10,000....

        So, I'm going to pay off my card and the last of my loans. That's $600 less expenses per month PLUS another $600 in income. Sorry if I'm gloating here, I'm just giddy and have to keep it to myself in the office...
        Last edited by AnewKINDofFEELING; December 22, 2011, 02:22 AM.
        I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
        I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
        A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
        To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


        • Re: ................

          just sayin'...


          • Re: ................

            hurray. good things are good.

            i had an eventful week also in that i am considering going back to school, in a field i probably wouldnt find work in but hell itd be a kickass experience just to learn it.
            wowww how the fuck did that even happen. god i love this phone
            just sayin'...


            • Re: ................

              That's awesome, ANKoF.


              • Re: ................

                That's one hell of a christmas present. Congrats


                • Re: ................

                  Originally posted by Gnomad View Post
                  That's awesome, ANKoF.
                  This x1000...

                  ...ANKof, that's amazing. Congrats!
                  Originally posted by Ars Sycro
                  I have a type. I like hot bitches.


                  • Re: ................

                    Thanks, everyone. I thought I could get 30 days back pay at most. When my boss called me into his office and closed the door behind him, I didn't know what was up. I can basically see the end of all of my debt very soon. I will be paying a mortgage payment, car insurance, and utilities. It's like the weight of 100 elephants lifted.

                    By the way, think twice before proposing to a foreigner. Immigration is not cheap.
                    I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                    I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                    A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                    To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


                    • Re: ................

                      How much debt have you had? If you don't mind me asking


                      • Re: ................

                        Not including my car, I'd say about $12,000 to $14,000, hard to say. Credit cards got me through college. They are less friendly than student loans and I was naive. It was manageable, but some major expense always came up at the worst time.
                        I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                        I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                        A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                        To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


                        • Re: ................

                          That sounds fairly mild compared to some other horror stories i've heard.

                          I've known people who've gotten 15k in student loans studying here... In denmark.. Where education is free.. And you get paid to study

                          it baffles the mind

                          (Not that I'm a saint, I have 5k in student loans, which I could easily have avoided)
                          Last edited by Knifeboy; December 23, 2011, 12:34 PM.


                          • Re: ................

                            I had a sholarship for full tuition, but fees and books weren't covered. I also paid rent and utilities working a part-time job. My parents could only help so much with my dad's health problems. I managed pretty well, but now I can see the finiah line.
                            I don't have the time it takes to recover from the day
                            I sit and moan and mope and groan and never have my say
                            A crown of thorns from which is born a little baby bird
                            To fly away and have its day is nothing but absurd


                            • Re: ................

                              Originally posted by Knifeboy View Post
                              Where education is free.. And you get paid to study
                              (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


                              • Re: ................

                                Debate: Pepsi is better than Coke.
                                A vest has no sleeves.

