Originally posted by evasivetear
That leeked tool thread is tearing me apart. I have such an urge to go in it and listen to new tool, but I don't want to have any clue of what the album will sound like so I can be completely surprised.
***I feel like a little kid in the park and some young pedefile rolled up in a van and offered me some candy. Damn does that candy look good, but he said he was going to take me back to his house and give me some more. But Sarah and I were going to play tag on the playground and then buy some ice cream. I really could use some candy since my mom said I wasn't allowed to have any this week since I didn't eat all my vegetables. But I also want to go play with Sarah. Man I like Sarah, she's cute. Maybe I could just take some of the candy go back to his house and get some more for later and then the nice man will drive me back to the park and I can play with sarah. OOhhh I could even get Sarah some candy and then maybe she'll hold my hand on the walk home. But I promised Sarah I would meet her in 5 min so we could play. I don't know what to do?!?!?!?!?!?***